About Us

Longton Nursing and Residential Home

Longton Nursing and Residential Home is a dual registered Care home and passionate about providing person centred care services. We are in the heart of Longton village with a longstanding excellent reputation. Collaboratively, we work alongside the multi-disciplinary teams of Longton Health Centre to provide excellent primary care for all our residents. See our Services and Facilities

Home Manager

Home Manager Hayley Griffiths has worked at Longton home for 11 years and was appointed as manager in April 2016.

Hayley is a registered general nurse and holds an NVQ Level 5 in management.

Deputy Manager

Deputy Manager Jeni Hall has worked at Longton for 5 years and is a qualified registered Mental Health nurse and the home’s infection control lead.

Jeni has years of experience in varied healthcare settings.

Nursing Team

Nursing Team Our nursing team has a wealth of experience and are dedicated champions in the following areas – Medication, Falls Prevention, Wound and Pressure Ulcer Management, PPE and Hand Hygiene, End of Life Care, Diet and Nutrition Management, Diabetic Care, Mental Capacity and Safeguarding and Person-Centred Care Planning.


CHAPS (Care Home Assistant Practitioners), a new role recently implemented to support the Nursing Team in a range of clinical areas within their professional practice.

We currently have 4 CHAPS working within our team.

Senior Carers

This team are all recently qualified to Diploma Level 3 Health and Social Care and help support the wellbeing of junior care staff and assist in the induction and training.

They oversee the day to day running of the home and supervision of staff.

Healthcare Assistants

A long-serving team, all qualified in the care certificate and are encouraged to progress and achieve diplomas in Health and Social Care.

They are responsible for delivering the person-centred care and supporting residents with day-to-day life.

Kitchen Staff

Our kitchen manager and his team provide home cooked food using fresh local ingredients with a 4 weekly menu selected by our residents. Snacks and hot and cold drinks are provided throughout the day and night.

All dietary needs are provided for including those that require modified diets, vegetarian, vegan, halal and kosher or allergy free meals.

Social Activities

We have 3 dedicated social activity coordinators, who support daily activities with arts and crafts, games, quizzes, puzzles, gardening, music to movement and events. We have regular entertainers visit, along with trips out to local areas of interests.

Additionally, we can cater for local short trips to our lovely local amenities.

Housekeeping Staff

Our team provide a homely environment and strive to maintain daily infection prevention cleaning standards.

They also support our residents to keep their rooms as personal and homely as possible.

About Longton Nursing Home


For more about us, information and enquiries regarding any of the details listed above, please Contact Longton Nursing and Residential Home. A member of our team is on hand and ready to help deal with your enquiry, answering any questions you may have.